This page lists the tutorials used during the Girls Can Code! workshops.
Do not hesitate to contact us here should you have any questions regarding the tutorials.

TP 0

Quoi utiliser pour coder en Python

Learn how to use in order to code in Python.
We will walk you through micro:bit's core features and create your own game!

TP 1

Introduction à la programmation en Python

Ce TP vous apprendra les bases de ce dont vous aurez besoin pour programmer en Python :

  • afficher du texte,
  • lire l'entrée d'un programme,
  • manipuler des variables,
  • utiliser les conditions,
  • utiliser les boucles (for ou while),
  • créer des fonctions.
Vous réussirez à faire un programme simple qui compte les points d'un tournoi de sport.
Vous n'aurez besoin que d'un éditeur et d'un interpréteur Python, que vous avez vu dans le tout premier TP.

TP 2

Listes et chaînes de caractères

You will learn about lists and practice what you learnt in Tutorial 1.
Through the exercices, you will design functions that will:

  • traverse a list,
  • find and return elements in a list,
  • apply an operation on all the elements of a list,
  • slice lists,
  • and more !

TP 3


This tutorial introduces the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm.
You will learn how to build classes in Python. The first part will teach you:

  • what are classes and why we need them,
  • the relationship between objects and classes,
  • what are attributes and methods of a class.
The second part uses a Pokemon themed exercise for you to practice this notion.

TP 4


You will, in this tutorial, build your own website using HTML and CSS.
With only an text editor and your web browser you will learn:

  • the hierarchy of a website with HTML5,
  • how to add titles, paragraphs and even images to your webpage,
  • how to modify the style of your page with CSS3,
  • and much more.
You can also find the bonus part for this tutorial here.